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Prof. Andre Sorensen, Director of the Department of Human Geography, University of Toronto Scarborough Appointed as Adjunct Professor of CCEA

Editor: 系统管理员 Date: 2016-10-31 Hits: 256

On the afternoon of October 27th, 2016, the public lecture “Sustainable Urban Development in Toronto” cum the ceremony of appointing Prof. Andre Sorensen as the adjunct professor of College of Civil Engineering and Architecture was held at the Conference Room A322 in Anzhong Building. Prof. Luo Yaozhi, Dean of College of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Zhejiang University, Prof. Haoying Han, Director of Institute of Urban and Rural Planning Theories and Technologies, Associate Prof. Qiuxiao Chen, Deputy Director of the Department of Regional and Urban Planning, and representatives of faculty and students attended the ceremony, witnessed the appointment of Prof. Andre Sorensen and listened to his fascinating academic report on "Sustainable Urban Development in Toronto".


    Pro.  Haoying Han hosted the ceremony               DeanYaozhi Luo  delivered the welcoming remarks


The appointment ceremony was presided over by Prof. Han Haoying. At the beginning, Prof. Han briefly introduced the research field, academic achievements and honors of Prof. Andre Sorensen, and expressed his respect. Prof. Luo Yaozhi, Dean of College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, on behalf of the whole college, extended a warm welcome to Prof. Andre Sorensen. He also pointed out that introducing foreign advanced intellectual resources was of great significance to the construction of the discipline. Then Prof. Luo issued the letter of appointment to Prof. Andre Sorensen who wore the university badge and they posed for pictures. Prof. Andre Sorensen expressed his gratitude for the appointment, looked forward to working closely with the faculty in the future and wished the positive prospect for Zhejiang University.


Dean Luo Yaozhi issued the letter of appointment to Prof. Andre Sorensen


Prof. Andre Sorense gave a fascinating academic report on the concept of sustainable development in Toronto and the challenges it faced after the appointment ceremony. At the end of the report, faculties and students exchanged ideas with Prof. Andre Sorense on the urban development in Canada, America and China. We look forward to more lectures and reports given by Prof. Andre Sorense.



Prof. Andre Sorensen gave the academic report  Q&A and idea exchange