Selected Publication
1. Ni Y Q, Chen Y, Ko J M, et al. 2002 “Neuro-control of cable vibration using semi-active magneto-rheological dampers”. Engineering Structures, 24: 295-312.
2. Chen Y, Sun B N, Lou W J, Ni Y Q, Ko J M, 2004 “Experimental study on semi-active control of cable vibration using electro-rheological damper,” China Civil Engineering Journal. 37(1): 50-55 in Chinese
3. Wu Z H, Chen Y, Sun B N, et al. 2004 “Experimental Study of Vibration Mitigation of Bridge Stay Cable Using MR Dampers,” Journal of Vibration Engineering. 17(1): 102-107 in Chinese
4. Guo J, Chen Y, Sun B N. 2005. “Experimental Study of Structural Damage Identification Based on WPT and Coupling NN,” Jouranl of Zhejiang University Science. 6A(7): 663-669
5. Guo J, Chen Y, Sun BN, Lou W J. 2005 “
Study of structural damage identification based on multi-sensor information fusion.,” Journal of Vibration Engineering. 18(2): 155-160. in Chinese 6. Chen Y, Lou W J, Liu H J, et al. 2006 “The optimal energy input on ER/MR damper for passive control of inclined cable vibration,”. China Mechanical Engineering 17(15):1557-1562. in Chinese
7. Tian SY, Chen Y, Sun BN. 2006 “MJP fusion rule for multi-resolution decision of structure damage detection,” Jouranl of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 41(1):126-133., in Chinese.
8. Chen Y, Ye Y Q, Sun B N, et al. 2008 “Application of model prediction technology in bridge health monitoring” Jouranl of Zhejiang University Science (Engineering Science), 42(1):157-163. 2008. in Chinese.
9. Chen Y, Tian S Y, Sun B N, Sun X Y, Huston D R. 2008. “Experimental study on decision fusion of many damage detection methods with multi-resolution,” SPIE, Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2008. 6934, 11-13 March 2008, San Diego, California, USA. Vol. 6934, 1D1-1D9
10. Chen Y, Song X, Xu G S, Lou W J, Sun B N. 2008. “TMD control and design optimization for wind induced vibration of a self-stayed rod on a bridge,” Journal of Vibration and Shock, 27(6): 70-74, 2008. in Chinese.
11. Chen Y, Tian S Y, Sun B N, 2010. “Decision Fusion for Structural Damage Detection: Numerical and Experimental Studies,” Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2010, Article ID 820762, 12 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/820762
12. Chen Y, McFarland D M, Wang Z H, Spencer Jr. B F, and Bergman L A, 2010. “Analysis of Tall Buildings with Damped Outriggers,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 2010, 136(11): 1435-1443.
13. Chen Y, Peng, Z W, Lou W J, Sun B N, 2010. “CFD simulations of steady downbursts and 3D wind velocity empirical models,” Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 27(3): 428-434, 2010. in Chinese.
14. Chen Y, Cui, B Q, Yu, S C, Lou, W J, Sun B N, 2011. “Experimental investigation of spherical roof subjected to thunderstorm downbursts,” Journal of Building Structures, 32(8):26-33, 2011. in Chines.
15. Cui B Q, Chen Y. 2011. “CFD simulation of curved-roof subjected to thunderstorm downburst,” Key Engineering Materials, v 474-476:1243-1248, 2011.
16. Chen Y, Wang X, Sun B N, Li Q X, Chen S F, 2012. “Wind tunnel experimental study on single room ventilation affected by miscellaneous factors,” Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 46(4):658-664, 2012. in Chinese.
17. Chen Y, Liu P, 2012. “Complex modal characteristic of a uniform Timoshenko beam with rotational dampers,” Journal of Vibration and Shock, 31(23):174-179, 2012. in Chinese.
18. Chen Y, Chen C, Wang X, 2012. “Wind tunnel experimental study on the evaluation criterion of wind environment at pedestrian level based on objective behavior study,” Advanced Material Research, v 446-449:3328-3333, 2012.
19. Chen Y, Liu P, 2012. “A Complex-valued Solution of Free Vibration for Tapered Beams with Any Number of Rotational Dampers,” Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 6(3SI): 749-758, 2012.
20. Chen Y, Cui B Q, Peng Z W, Yu S C, Lou W J, Sun B N. 2012. “Wind-resistant design parameters and CFD analysis of spherical roof subjected to thunderstorm downbursts,” Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 30(4): 456-463, 2012. in Chinese.
21. Chen Y, Liu G G, Xu T, Yu S C, 2012. “Time histories of horizontal wind velocity of moving thunderstorms and phenomenological model,” Journal of Tongji University, 40(1):22-26+44, 2012. in Chinese
22. Chen Y, Xu Y, 2013. “Nonlinear normal modes of a continuous cantilever beam with nonlinear energy sink absorber,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 325-326:214-217, 2013.
23. Chen Y, Liu G G, and Sun B N, 2013. “Dynamic response of flat roofs subjected to non-stationary moving microbursts,” Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 7(4): 519–532 , 2013
24. Chen Y, Wang J Y, Guo Y, Shen G H, Yang L X, Sun B N, 2013. “Behavior of axially loaded tubular X-joints using bolted connection: mechanical model and validation,” Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering). 14(12): 880-889, 2013.
25. Chen Y, Chen C, Sun B N, Chen S F, 2013. “Quantitative wind-tunnel-test-based determination of criterion for wind environment evaluation,” 2013 International Conference on Industrial Aerodynamics. Changsha, Hunan. Chinese aerodynamics research society. 279-289, 2013
26. Chen Y, Cui B Q, Yu S C, Guan S J, Lou W J, 2013. “Experimental study on the pressure distribution over arch-roof subjected to stationary downbursts,” Engineering Mechanics, 30(7):91-99, 2013. in Chinese
27. Chen Y, Xu, Y, 2014. “Vibration suppression analysis for a tall structure attached with a nonlinear energy sink absorber,” Journal of Vibration and Shock, 33(9): 27-32+54, 2014. in Chinese
28. Chen Y, Pan L, Pan F, Guo Y, 2014. “Dynamical response of transmission line towers subjected to thunderstorm downbursts based on experimental study,” The 2014 World Congress on Advances In Civil, Environmental, Metals Research (Acem14),2014, Bexco, Busan, South Korea
29. Chen Y, McFarland D M, Spencer Jr. B F, Bergman L A, 2015. “Exact solution of free vibration of a uniform tensioned beam combined with both lateral and rotational linear sub-systems,” Journal of sound and vibration, 341(2015): 206–221, 2015.
30. Wu Zhehua, Chen Yong. “Vibration control of stay-cable using magneto-rheological damper,” Science press, China,2007.(in Chinese)