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Faculty - BAI Yong

  • BAI Yong


    Institute of Structural Engineering

    A620 An-Zhong Building Zijingang Campus

Research Interest

1.Offshore pipeline and  riser
2.Ocean engineering  structure
3.Project risk analysis  and safety evaluation
4.Composite Material  tube
5.Offshore oil underwater  production system

Professional Employment

1989.4-1990.6 Technology  Dept. of Osaka Century Research Center, Japan, Project manager/ structural  engineer
1990.6-1991.7 Ocean  Engineering Dept., Technical University of Denmark, senior structure analysis  engineer
1991.8-1992.6 Marine  Structure Dept. of Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNF/NFR,  post doctoral researcher  
1992.7-1996.2 Det Norske  Veritas (DNV), senior engineer
1996.3-1999.12 Advanced  Engineering Dept., Norway JP Kenny, manager of Marine Engineering Sector
1998.9-2001.6 Ocean  Engineering Specialty, Department of Civil Engineering of Norway Stavanger  University, professor
1999.12-2001.12 Marine  Technology Dept. of American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), department manager   
2002.1-2003.4 Shell Oil  Company, Project Manger
2003.4-2005.6 U.S. MCS Corp.,  Vice President of Engineering Project
2005.5-2006.4 U.S. GAE Corp.  President
2006.5-2006.10 Yantai Raffles  Shipyard, Technology Vice President and Chief Engineer
2005.5- Offshore Pipelines  & Risers (OPR) Inc President
2005.9-  Visiting professor /  doctoral tutor of Harbin Engineering University
2010.1-  Professor/ doctoral  tutor of College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang  University

Selected Publication

.Articles  adopted and collected by SCI and EI

1. D. Wei and Y. Bai:  “Development of an Acoustic-Based Riser Monitoring System”, Proc. of the ASME  28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. USA,  2009. OMAE2009-79913. (EI)
2.M.F. Badaruddin, F. Zhang and Y. Bai:  “Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) Based Leak Detection Criteria (LDC) Design  for a Subsea Oil Export Pipeline”, Proc. of the ASME 28th International  Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. USA,  2009.OMAE2009-79250. (EI)
3.D. Wei, Y. Bai and G. Feng:  “Global Analysis of Ultra-Deepwater Drilling Risers”, Proc. of the ASME 28th  International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. USA,  2009.OMAE2009-79912. (EI)
4.H.H. Sun and Y. Bai:  Time-variant Reliability Assessment of FPSO Hull Girders, Journal of Marine  Structures, Vol. 16, pp.219-253, 2003. (SCI, EI)
5.Y. Lu, Y.N. Chen, P.L.  Tan and Y. Bai: Prediction of Jack-up Dynamic Response, OMAE'01, also Journal  of Marine Structures, 2002. (SCI, EI)
6.P.K. Das, A.  Thavalingam, S. Hauch and Y. Bai: A New Look Into the Buckling and Ultimate  Strength Criteria of Stiffened Shells for Reliability Analysis, OMAE'01.  (EI)
7.C.T. Zhao, Y. Bai and  Y. Shin: Extreme Response and Fatigue Damage for FPSO Structural Analysis,  ISOPE'2001. (EI)
8. Y. Bai and S. Hauch:  Collapse Capacity of Corroded Pipes under Combined Pressure, Longitudinal Force  and Bending, Journal of ISOPE, March 2001. (EI)
9. H.H. Sun and Y. Bai:  Time-variant Reliability of FPSO Hulls, SNAME Transactions, 2001.  (SCI,EI)
10. J. Willcocks and Y. Bai: Risk Based Inspection and  Integrity Management of Pipeline Systems, ISOPE'2000. (EI)
11.  Y. Bai, G. Knauf and H.G. Hillenbrand: Materials and Design of High Strength  Pipelines, ISOPE'2000. (EI)
12.M.J. Chen, G. Dong, R.A.  Jakobsen and Y. Bai: Assessment of Pipeline Girth Weld Defects, ISOPE'2000.  (EI)
13.T. Xu, B. Lauridsen and Y.  Bai: Wave-induced Fatigue of Multi-span Pipelines, Journal of Marine  Structures, Vol.12, pp.83-106, 1999. (SCI, EI)
14.  Bai, Y. and Sørheim, M.: “Risk Analysis Applied to Pipeline Engineering”, Proc.  of OMAE’99. (EI)
15.Bai, Y., Sørheim, M., Nødland, S. and Damsleth,  P.A.: “Life-Cycle-Cost Models in Pipeline Design”, Proc. of OMAE’99.  (EI)
16.Hauch, S. and Bai, Y.: “Bending Moment Capacity  of Pipes”, Proc. of OMAE’98. (EI)
17.Bai, Y. and Damsleth, P.A.: “Installation Design  of Deepwater Pipelines”, Proc. of OMAE’99. (EI)
18.  Bai, Y., J.Y. Nielsen and Damsleth, P.A.: “Simulation of Ratcheting of HP/HT  Flowlines”, Proc. of ISOPE’99. (EI)
19.  Bai, Y., Hauch, S. and Jensen, C.J.: “Local Buckling and Plastic Collapse of  Corroded Pipes with Yield Anisotropy”, Proc. of ISOPE’99. (EI)
20.  Ose, B.A., Bai, Y., Nystrøm, P.R. and Damsleth, P.A: “A Finite Element Model for  In-situ behaviour of Offshore Pipelines on Uneven Seabed and Its Application to  On-bottom Stability”, Proc. of ISOPE’99. (EI)
21.  Jakobsen, R. A., Bai, Y. and Langen, I.: “Assessment of Pipeline Girth Weld  defects”, Proc. of ISOPE’99 – Moscow Pipeline Symposium. (EI)
22.  Bai, Y. and Damsleth, P.A: “Design Through Analysis Applying Limit-state  Concepts and Reliability Methods”, Planery paper of ISOPE ’98. (EI)
23.Bai, Y., Lauridsen, B., Xu, T. and Damsleth,  P.A.: “Wave-induced Fatigue of Free-Spanning Pipelines in Waves”, Proc. of  OMAE’98. (EI)
24.  Bai, Y. and Song, R.: “Fracture Assessment of Dented Pipes with Cracks and  Reliability-based Calibration of safety Factors”, Accepted for Publication in  International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. (SCI)
25.Song, R., Tjelta, E. and Bai, Y.:  “Reliability-based Tubular Joint Design”, Proc. of ISOPE’98. (EI)
26.  Tørnes, K., Nystrøm, P., Kristiansen, N.Ø., Bai, Y. and Damsleth, P.A.:  “Pipeline Structural Response to Fishing Gear Pull-over Loads”, Proc. of  ISOPE’98. (EI)
27.  Hauch, S., Bai, Y.: “Use of Finite Element Methods for Local Buckling Design”,  Proc. of OMAE ’98. (EI)
28.  Bai, Y. and Hauch, S.: “Analytical Collapse Capacity of Corroded Pipes,” Proc.  of ISOPE’98. (EI)
29.  Song, R. and Bai, Y.: “Burst Reliability of Dented Pipes with Cracks”, Proc. of  ISOPE’98. (EI)
30.  Nystrøm, K. Tørnes, Y. Bai and P. Damsleth: “Dynamic Buckling and Cyclic  Behaviour of HP/HT Flowlines”, Proc. of ISOPE’97. (EI)
31.  Y. Bai, T. Xu and R. Bea: “Reliability - based Design & Regualitication  criteria for Longitudinally Corroded Pipelines”, Proc. of the 7th International  Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE ’97), May 1997.(To appear  at Int. J. ISOPE) (SCI, EI)
32.  Y. Bai and P. A. Damsleth: “Limit-state Based Design of Offshore Pipelines”,  Proc. of OMAE ’97. (EI)
33.  N.Ø. Kristiansen, Y. Bai and P.A. Damsleth: “Ratcheting of High Pressure High  Temperature Pipelines”, Proc. of OMAE ’97. (EI)
34.  Y. Bai, E. Moe and K. Mørk: “ProbabilisticAssessment of Dented and  Corroded Pipelines”, Proc. of the 4th International Offshore and Polar  Engineering Conference (ISOPE ‘94), Osaka, April 1994. (EI)
35.  Y. Bai, R. Igland and T. Moan: “Factors Affecting Tube Collapse Simultaneously  subjected to Combined Pressure, Tension and Bending”, International Journal of  Marine Structures, Vol. 10, June 1997. (SCI, EI)
36.Y. Bai, R. Igland and T. Moan: “Ultimate Limit  States for Pipes under Combined Tension and Bending”, Proc. of the 3rd  International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISPOE ‘93), Singapore,  June 1993. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, pp. 312-319,  1994. (SCI, EI)
37.Y. Bai, R. Igland and T. Moan: “Collapse of Thick  Tubes under Combined Tension and Bending”, Journal of Constructional Steel  Research, pp. 233-257, 1995. (SCI)
38.Y. Bai, R. Igland and T. Moan: “Tube Collapse  under Combined Pressure, Tension and Bending”, International Journal of Offshore  and Polar Engineering, Vol. 3(2), pp. 121-129, 1993. (SCI, EI)
39.Bai, R., Igland and T. Moan: “Collapse of Thick  Tubes under Pressure, Tension, Bending and Their Combinations”, Proc. of the 2nd  International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE ’92), San  Francisco, June 1992. (SCI, EI)
40.Y. Bai, E. Bendiksen and P.T. Pedersen: “Collapse  Analysis of Ship Hulls”, Journal of Marine Structures, Vol. 6, pp. 485-507, 1993. (SCI, EI)
41.Y. Bai and P.T. Pedersen: “Elastic-plastic  Behaviour of Offshore Steel Structures under Impact Loads”, International  Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol.13 (1), pp. 99-115, 1993. (SCI,  EI)
42.M. Fujikubo, Y. Bai and Y. Ueda: “Dynamic  Elastic-plastic Analysis of Offshore Framed Structures by Plastic Node Method  Considering Strain Hardening Effects”, International Journal of Offshore and  Polar Engineering, Vol. 1 (3) , pp. 220-227, 1991, also: Proc. of ISOPE ’91,  August 1991. (SCI, EI)
43. Y. Bai and P.T. Pedersen: “Earthquake Response  of Offshore Structures”, Proc. of the 10th International Conference of Offshore  Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE ’91), Stavanger, June. (EI)
44. M. Fujikubo, Y. Bai, N. Watanabe and Y. Ueda:  “Elastic-plastic Analysis of Framed Structures under Cyclic Loads by Plastic  Node method”, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol. 169, pp.  415-424, 1991 (in Japanese). (EI)
45.T. Yao, M. Fujikubo, Y. Bai, T. Nawata and M.  Tamehiro: “Local Buckling of Bracing Members in Semi-submersible Drilling Unit  (2nd report)”, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol. 164,  pp. 447-455, 1988 (in Japanese). (EI)
46.T. Yao, M. Fujikubo, Y. Bai, T. Nawata and M.  Tamehiro: “Local Buckling of Bracing Members in Semi-submersible Drilling Unit  (1st report), Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol.160, pp.  359-371, 1986 (in Japanese). (EI)
47.T. Yao, M. Fujikubo, Y. Bai and S. Nakagawa:  “Load Carrying Capacity of Damaged Tubular Members”, Transaction of the West  Japan Society of Naval Architects, Vol.73, pp. 136-150, 1987. (EI)
B.Conference Papers  
1.Y. Bai, E. O’Sullivan,  C. Galvin and K. Kavanagh: “Ultra-Deepwater Steel Catenary Risers for  Semi-Submersibles”, DOT-2004.
2.Y. Bai, A. Tang, E.  O’Sullivan, K. C. Uppu and S. Ramakrishnan: “Steel Catenary Risers Fatigue due  to Vortex-Induced Spar Motions”, OTC-2004.
3.K. Kavanagh, K. Doynov,  D. Gallagher and Y. Bai: “The Effect of Tube Friction  on the Fatigue Life of Steel Tube Umbilical Risers – New Approaches to  Evaluating Fatigue Life using Enhanced Nonlinear Time Domain Methods”,  OTC-2004.
4.Y. Bai and K. Kavanagh:  “HPHT SCR Systems – Challenges and Solutions”, IBC FPS, June 04.
5.Y. Bai, K. Kavanagh and  D. Lang: “Coupled Analysis of an Oil Offloading System”, OTRC Symposium on  mooring systems, May 2004.
6. Y. Bai, K. Kavanagh and  E. O’Sullivan: “Design and Analysis of SCR”, OPT USA. Sept. 04.
7.W. Qiu, Y. Bai and K.  Kavanagh: “Vortex-Induced Vibration Analysis of Deepwater Steel Catenary  Risers”, Chinese Petroleum University Symposium in Aug. 03.
8. T. Xu, Y. Bai, M. Wang  and R.G. Bea: Risk Based Optimum Inspection of FPSO Hulls, OTC12949, May  2001.
9. M. Wang, J. Leitch and Y.  Bai: Analysis and Design Consideration of Greenwater on Decks and Topsides of  FPSO, OTC 13208, May 2001.
10.      K. Huang and Y. Bai: Reliability Methods for Deepwater  Position-Mooring Design and Analysis, OTC 13269, May 2001.
11. G. Langford, J.C. Jensen, O. Grytå,  P.A. Damsleth and Y. Bai: Strength and Fatigue of Deepwater Metallic Risers,  Proc. of Deepwater Pipeline Technology  Conference, Houston, USA, March 2000.
12.  R.T. Igland, S. Saevik, Y. Bai, S. Berge, L. Collberg, K. Gotoh, P. Maincon and  C. Thaulow: Deepwater Pipelines and Flowlines, OTC'2000.
13.  Y. Bai, P.A. Damsleth and S. Dretvik: Keynote Address: The Asgard Flowlines  Project – Limit State Design Experience, IBC  Conference on Risk-based & Limit-State Design & Operation of Pipelines,  Oct. 1999.
14.Bai, Y., Langford, G. and Damsleth, P.A.:  “Strength Design of Deepwater Pipelines”, Proc. of Deepwater Pipeline Technology  Conference, New Orleans, USA, March 23, 1999.
15.Bai, Y., Langford, G. and Damsleth, P.A.: “Design  of Deepwater Pipelines”, Proc. of Deep and Ultra Deepwater Offshore Technology,  Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 25th March 1999.
16.  Nødland, Y. Bai, P. Damsleth: “Reliability Approach to Optimise Corrosion  Allowance”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Risk based & Limit-state Design &  Operation of Pipelines, Aberdeen, May 1997.
17.  Y. Bai and H. Peng: “Earthquake Response of Space Structures Considering  Strain-hardening Effects”, Proc. of the 2nd European Conference on Structural  Dynamics (EURODYN ‘93), June.
18.  J. Bai, T. Tsuta and Y. Bai: “Dynamic Modelling of Human Body and Response  Analysis of Vehicle-Driver System by using SANDY System”, EURODYN ’93,  Trondheim, June 1993.
19.  Y. Bai and P.T. Pedersen: “Collision Response of Offshore Structures and  Bridges”, Proc. of International Symposium on Marine Structures (Pre-ISSC  Congress Symposium), Shanghai, Sept. 1991.
20.  M. Fujikubo, Y. Bai and Y. Ueda: “Application of Plastic Node Method to  Elastic-plastic Analysis of Framed Structures under Cyclic Loads”, Proc. of  International Conference on Computing in Engineering Science (ICES ’91), August  1991.
21. Y. Yao, Y. Bai and T. Nawata: “Influence of  Local Buckling on Behaviour of Tubular Bracing Members”, 4th International  Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Mobile Units, PRADS ’89.
1.Y. Bai: Pipelines and Risers”, published by Elsevier.2001. The translation version also be published by  China Petroleum Press
2.Shengkun Zhang, Yong Bai,  Wenyong Tang: “ Ship and Ocean Engineering Risk Assessment”, National Defense  Industry Press, 2003 
3.Y. Bai: “Marine Structural Design” , published by Elsevier.2003
4.Y.  Bai&Q.Bai: “Subsea Pipelines and Risers” , published by Elsevier.2005
5.Y. Bai&Q.Bai:  “Subsea Engineering Handbook” , published by Elsevier.2010


Professional Memberships