Faculty - ZHU Bin
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering
B424 An-Zhong Building, Zijingang Campus
Research Interest
Research Projects:
1. Study and control of long-term cyclic effect on offshore suction bucket foundation, General Program of NSFC (51179169), 2012.1~2015.12, PI, 570,000RMB
2. Study on laterally cyclic accumulated deformation of large diameter monopile foundation of offshore wind turbines, General Program of NSFC (50979097), 2010.1~2012.12, PI, 340,000RMB
3. Pile-soil dynamic interaction during pier collision and anti-collision mechanism research, General Program of NSFC (50608062), 2007.1~2009.12, PI, 260,000RMB
4. Research on centrifuge in-flight devices simulating geotechnical hazards induced by extreme climate and environment, Instrument Special Program of NSFC (51127005), 2012.1~2015.12, sub-PI, 500,000/2,800,000RMB
5. Suction caisson foundation of offshore wind turbine, the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (2007AA05Z427), 2007.12-2010.12, Co-PI, 960,000/1,310,000RMB
6. Centrifuge model test on the failure mechanism of suction bucket foundation for ocean underwater city, Nanyang Technological University, 2014.10-2015.6, PI, 60,000 Singapore dollar
7. Research on safety evaluation and validation of reclamation offshore dam, Science and technology project of Reclamation bureau of Zhejiang Province, 2014.6-2015.12, technical director, 396,000RMB
8. Centrifuge modeling research of the force and deformation behaviors of pile group in excavation, Shandong University, 2014.3-2015.3, PI, 380,000
9. Research on seismic centrifuge modeling techniques of anchor anti-slide pile-supported slopes, Chinese Institute of water resources and Hydropower Research, 2014.6-2014.12, PI, 230,000RMB
10.Research on beach ground treatment of coastal convertor stations, Special major science and technology project of China State Grid Corp, 2013.1-2014.6, PI, 1,830,000RMB
11.Suction caisson foundations for large electric transmission towers, Major science and technology project of Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation (ZB12-043B-020), 2013.1-2015.6, PI, 1,500,000RMB
12.Theoretical analysis, model experiment and design technologies of foundations for large power transmission tower over water and flexible pile-supported anti-collision system, Major science and technology project of Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation, 2008.9-2009.12, PI, 1,900,000RMB
13.Research on anti-collision mechanism of bridge pier and novel anti-collision equipment, Science and technology project of department of Communication of Zhejiang Province (code 2007H14), 2007.12-2008.12, PI, 150,000RMB
14.Critical technologies of the design of suction bucket foundation for offshore wind turbines, Science and technology project of Zhejiang University and Zhejiang Electric Power Design Institute cooperation center, 2009.12-2010.12, PI, 700,000RMB
15.Model tests research on winged monopile foundation for offshore wind turbines, East China Investigation and Design Institute, China Hydropower Consulting Group, 2011-2012, PI, 100,000RMB
16.Adaptability analysis of pile-soil interaction (PSI) of offshore wind turbines under different marine conditions, Zhejiang Electric Power Design Institute, 2011-2013, PI, 785,000RMB
17.The failure mechanisms and control of offshore wind turbine foundations under long-term cyclic loading, the Special Scientific Research Projects for the Central Universities (code 2012FZA4019), 2012-2013, PI, 450,000RMB
18.Full-scale model tests on uplift bahaviors on pipeline, Chengdu Institute of mountain hazards and environment , Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of water conservancy, 2011-2012, PI, 300,000RMB
19.Research on the stress and deformation of the pile foundations of offshore wind turbines and anemometer tower, Science and technology project of Hebei Provincial Electric Power Survey and Design Institute, 2010-2011, Co-PI.
20.The anti-collision and foundation optimization research of high-rise tower of long-span power transmission line of Zhoushan Luotou waterway. Zhejiang Electric Power Design Institute, 2007-2008, Co-PI.
21.Research on the effect of coastal mud flat on the foundation of offshore wind turbines in Jiangsu Dongtai wing farm and solution scheme, Jiangsu (Dongtai) Wind Power Co. Ltd., 2007-2008, Co-PI.
Doctor Bin Zhu, born in 1977 in Yueyang, Hunan province, is a professor and vice-director of geotechnical engineering in Zhejiang University. He received the Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering in 1999 and the Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering in 2002 in Zhejiang University respectively. In 2005, he was awarded the Doctor's Degree in Civil Engineering in City University of Hong Kong. After that, he has been engaged in teaching in Zhejiang University. During this period, he paid academic visits to the Department of Engineering Science in University of Oxford and COFS of the University of Western Australia respectively. He is mainly engaged in the teaching and scientific research in the field of offshore geotechnical engineering. He made systematic research on the analysis and control of the deformation of wind turbine foundations and the anti-collision system of flexible piles, covering the basic theory, design methods, key technologies, engineering applications, etc. He has published 95 academic papers, among which 28 papers have been indexed by SCI, and have been cited and commented positively by others for 105 times. His was authorized 8 national patents (4 invention patents), and 1 national computer software copyright registration certificate. He participated in editing the National Standard of Offshore Wind Farm Design Specification, and was responsible for two chapters of the National Industry Standard of Technical Code for Design of overhead Transmission Line above Sea. His research achievements have been applied to more than 10 major engineering projects of offshore wind farms, power transmission lines, and bridges, including the offshore wind farm with the largest unit capacity of China, the long-span power transmission tower that has the longest span in the world.
Selected Publication
In English:
1. Chen R. P., Zhu B. (corresponding author), Ni W. J. Uplift tests on a full-scale pipe segment in lumpy soft clay backfill. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, accepted.
2. Zhu B., Sun Y. X. Yang Y. Y., Chen R. P., Guo W. D., Chen Y. M. Experimental and analytical models of laterally loaded rigid monopiles with hardening p-y curves. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering ASCE, 2015, 141(5).
3. Chen R. P., Sun Y. X., Zhu B. (corresponding author), Guo W. D. Lateral cyclic pile-soil interaction studies on a rigid model. ICE-Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 168(2): 120-130.
4. Zhu B., Zhang W. L., Ying P. P., Chen Y. M. Deflection-based bearing capacity of suction caisson foundations of offshore wind turbines. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2014, 140(5).
5. Zhu B., Byrne B. W., Houlsby G. T. Long term lateral cyclic response of suction caisson foundations in sand. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 2013, 139(1): 73-83.
6. Zhu B., Chen R. P., Guo J. F., Kong L. G., Chen Y. M. Large-scale model and theoretical investigations on lateral collisions to elevated piles. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 2012, 138(4): 461-471.
7. Zhu B., Chen R. P., Chen Y. M., Zhang Z. H. Impact model tests and simplified analysis for flexible pile-supported protective structures withstanding vessel collisions. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering ASCE, 2012, 138(2): 86-96.
8. Zhu B., Gao D., Li J. C., Chen Y. M. Model tests on interaction between soil and geosynthetics subjected to localized subsidence in landfills. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering), 2012, 13(6):433-444.
9. Zhu B., Kong D. Q., Chen R. P., Kong L. G., Chen Y. M. Installation and lateral loading tests of suction caissons in silt. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2011, 48(7): 1070-1084.
10. Chen Y. M., Lin W. A., Zhu B., Zhan L. T. Performance-based design for geosynthetic liner systems in landfills. Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, 2011, 42(1): 66-73.
11. Chen R. P., Xu Z. Z., Chen Y. M., Ling D. S., Zhu B. Field Tests on Pile-Supported Embankments over Soft Ground. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE, 2010, 136(6): 777-785.
12. Zhu B., Leung A. Y. T. Linear and nonlinear vibration of non-uniform beams on two-parameters foundation using p-elements. Computers and Geotechnics, 2009, 36: 743-750.
13. Zhu B., Gao D., Chen Y. M. Geomembrane tensions and strains resulting from differential settlement around rigid circular structures. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2009, 27: 53-62.
14. Chen Y. M., Gao D., Zhu B. Seismic stability and permanent displacement of landfill along liners. Science in China Series E: Technological Science, 2008, 51(3): 1-17.
15. Zhu B., Leung A. Y. T., Wong C. K., Lu W. Z. On-line health monitoring and damage detection of structures based on the wavelet transform. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2008, 8(3): 367-387.
16. Zhu B., Leung A. Y. T., Li Q. S. Analytical 3-D p-element for quadrilateral plates, Part 1: Thick isotropic plate structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007, 303: 171-184.
17. Zhu B., Leung C. T. O., Leung A. Y. T. Analytic 3-D p-element for vibration analyses of plates, part 2: Laminated plates. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006, 298: 385-392.
18. Zhu B., Chen Y. M., Leung A. Y. T. Analytical p-version finite elements and application in analyses of structural collision protection. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2006, 23(5): 487-504.
19. Zhu B., Chen Y. M., Leung A. Y. T. Analysis of collision protection for ocean and offshore structures. China Ocean Engineering, 2006, 20(3): 361-372.
20. Leung A. Y. T., Zhu B. Transverse vibration of Mindlin plates on two-parameter foundations by analytic trapezoidal p-elements. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2005, 131(11): 1140-1145.
21. Leung A. Y. T., Zhu B. Comments on “Free vibration of skew Mindlin plates by p-version of FEM”. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2004, 278: 699-703.
22. Leung A. Y. T., Zhu B., Zheng J. J., Yang H. Analytic trapezoidal Fourier p-element for vibrating plane problems. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2004, 271: 67-81.
23. Leung A. Y. T., Zhu B. Transverse vibration of thick polygonal plates using analytically integrated trapezoidal Fourier p-element. Computers & Structures, 2004, 82(2-3): 109-119.
24. Leung A. Y. T., Zhu B. Fourier p-elements for curved beam vibrations. Thin-Walled Structures, 2004, 42(1): 39-57.
25. Leung A. Y. T., Zhu B. Geometric nonlinear vibration of clamped Mindlin plates by analytically integrated trapezoidal p-element. Thin-walled Structures, 2004, 42: 931-945.
26. Leung A. Y. T., Zhu B., Zheng J. J., Yang H. A trapezoidal Fourier p-element for membrane vibrations. Thin-Walled Structures, 2003, 41(5): 479-491.
27. Leung A. Y. T., Zhu B., Zheng J. J., Yang H. Two-dimensional viscoelastic vibration by analytic Fourier p-elements. Thin-Walled Structures, 2003, 41(12): 1159-1170.
28. Chen Y. M., Zhu B., Chen R. P. Dynamic response of ocean trestle to horizontal of moving mass. China Ocean Engineering, 2002, 16(1): 51-60.
29. Zhu B., Leung A. Y. T. Dynamic stiffness for thin-walled structures by power series. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2006, 7(8): 1351-1357.
30. Zhu B., Chen R. P., Chen Y. M. Transient response of piles-bridge under horizontal excitation. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE, 2003, 4(1): 28-34.
In Chinese:
31. Guo X. Q., Zhu B., Liu J. C., Xiong G., Huang G. Q. Undrained shear strength and cyclic degradation behaviors of the marine clay in the Pearl River Estuary. Rock and Soil Mechanics, accepted. (in Chinese)
32. Zhu B., Li T., Xiong G., Liu J. C. Centrifugal model tests on jacket foundation of offshore wind turbine. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, accepted. (in Chinese)
33. Liu J. C., Xiong G., Zhu B. The horizontal capacity and deformation behaviors of Large diameter monopile foundation for Offshore wind turbines. Rock and Soil Mechanics, accepted. (in Chinese)
34. Wang L., Zhu B., Li J. C., Chen Y. M. Two-phase constitutive model for fiber-reinforced soil. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2014, 36(7): 1326-1333. (in Chinese)
35. Ni W. J., Zhu B., Chen R. P., Zhou J., Huang B. Tests and methods for buoyancy of pipelines in backfill soft clay. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2014, 36(3): 569-573. (in Chinese)
36. Li J. C., Zhu B., Lian B. Q., Wang L., Ke H., Chen Y. M. Strain-hardening mechanisms and methods for determining strength parameters of municipal solid waste. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2014, 33(4): 826-837. (in Chinese)
37. Sun Y. X.,Zhu B., Chen R. P., Yang Y. Y., Xiong G. Studies on horizontally nonlinear coefficients of subgrade reaction of piles in cohesionless soil. Ocean Engineering, 2014, 32(2): 38-45. (in Chinese)
38. Zhu B., Xiong G., Liu J. C., Sun Y. X., Chen R. P. Centrifuge modelling of a large-diameter single pile under lateral loads in sand. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(10): 1807-1815. (in Chinese)
39. Yang C. B., Zhu B., Kong L. G., Han L. B., Chen Y. M. Centrifugal model tests on failure of silty slopes induced by change of water level. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(7): 1261-1271. (in Chinese)
40. Zhu B., Ying P. P., Guo J. K., Zhang W. L., Kong D. Q., Chen Y. M. Analysis and design of bearing capacity of suction caisson foundations of offshore wind turbines. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, S1: 443-449. (in Chinese)
41. Zhu B., Yang Y. Y., Yu Z. G., Guo J. F., Chen Y. M. Field tests on lateral monotonic and cyclic loadings of offshore elevated piles. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(6): 1028-1038. (in Chinese)
42. Lian B. Q., Zhu B., Gao D., Chen Y. M. Study on local subsidence resistance of strain-hardening municipal solid wastes. China Journal of Civil Engineering, 2012, 45(7): 162-168. (in Chinese)
43. Zhu B., Kong L. G., Guo J. F., Chen R. P., Chen Y. M. Model tests on elevated piles subjected to lateral static and impact loading. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011,33(10): 1537-1546. (in Chinese)
44. Zhu B., Kong D. Q., Tong J. G., Kong L. G., Chen R. P. Model tests on penetration and pullout of suction caissons in silt. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011,33(7): 1045-1053. (in Chinese)
45. Zhu B., Jiang Y. T., Chen R. P., Chen Y. M. Investigation on pile group foundations for offshore wind turbines. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011(S1): 91-96. (in Chinese)
46. Hu L. X., Zhang Z. H., Gao L. Z., Zhu B., Li Q., Yang T. Anti-collision System Design of Offshore Tower Foundation of Zhoushan-Mainland Long Span Power Transmission Project. Electric Power Construction, 2011(3):9-14. (in Chinese)
47. Chen R. X., Zhu B., Chen Y. M., Chen R. P. Modified Terzaghi loosening earth pressure based on theory of main stress axes rotation. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2010, 31(5): 1402-1406. (in Chinese)
48. Zhu B., Zhu R. Y., Luo J., Chen R. P., Kong L. G., Chen Y. M. Model tests on characteristics of ocean and offshore elevated piles with large lateral deflection. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2010, 32(4): 521-530. (in Chinese)
49. Ren Y., Zhu B., Chen R. P., Wang Z. Y., Chen Y. M. Performance and control of long-term settlement of pile group foundations for large wind turbines. China Journal of Civil Engineering, 2010, 43(3): 75-80. (in Chinese)
50. Guo J. F., Zhu B., Chen H. J., Chen Y. M. Dynamic analysis of anti-collision pier on elevated piles with large lateral displacement and its new energy-control based design method. Ocean engineering, 2010, 28(1): 9-17. (in Chinese)
51. Zhu B., Chen R. X., Chen Y. M., Chen R. P. Trapdoor deflection-related earth pressure and new design method of reinforcements to resist local subsidence. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2009, 31(12): 1895-1901. (in Chinese)
52. Gao D., Zhu B., Chen Y. M., Lin W. A. Strain analysis of intermediate liner system in vertical expansion landfill. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 2009, 43(4): 760-765. (in Chinese)
53. Zhu B., Chen R. X., Chen Y. M., Gao D. Action mechanism and design method of horizontal reinforcement subjected to trench void. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2009, 22(1): 11-16. (in Chinese)
54. Zhu B., Ren Y., Chen R. P., Chen Y. M., Wang Z. Y. Model test study on bearing capacity and accumulated settlement of single pile subjected to axial cyclic loading. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2009, 31(2): 186-193. (in Chinese)
55. Gao D., Zhu B., Chen Y. M. Mechanism and analytic model of wrinkled geomembranes around circular structures subjected to differential settlement. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2008, 30(8): 1126-1132. (in Chinese)
56. Zhu B., Chen R. P., Luo J., Chen Y. M. Dynamic analysis model of partly buried framed structure subjected to impact of low-velocity moving ship. The Ocean Engineering, 2008, 26(2): 17-25. (in Chinese)
57. Zhu B., Leung A. Y. T. New p-version plate elements and applications in structural vibration analyses. Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2008, 25(4): 447-453. (in Chinese)
58. Zhu B., Chen Y. M., Ke H. Seismic stability analysis of extended municipal solid waste landfills. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2008, 29(6): 1483-1488. (in Chinese)
59. Lin W. A., Zhu B., Chen Y. M., Zhan L. T. Tension analysis of geomembrane in landfill slope considering interface strain-softening. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2008, 29(8): 2063-2069. (in Chinese)
60. Chen Y. M., Chen R. X., Zhu B., Gao D. Deformation characteristics and design of geosynthetic liner system subjected to local subsidence. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2008, 30(1): 21-27. (in Chinese)
61. Zhu B., Chen R. X., Chen Y. M., Zhan L. T. Modeling and experimental study of one-dimensional large strain consolidation of soft soil under multi-layer vacuum preloading. Journal of Zhajiang University (Engineering Science), 2007, 41(11): 1927-1936. (in Chinese)
62. Gao D., Zhu B., Chen Y. M. Three-part wedge method for translational sliding analysis of landfills retained by a toe dam. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2007, Supp. 2: 4378-4385. (in Chinese)
63. Zhu B. Elasto-plastic impact model and experimental study of new absorber for structural collision protection. China Civil Engineering Journal, 2007, 40(2): 13-17. (in Chinese)
64. Zhu B., Chen Y. M., Leung A. Y. T. Experimental study of time-frequency characteristic of wavelet transform. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 2007, 41(1): 139-143. (in Chinese)
65. Zhu B., Chen R. P., Chen Y. M. Lateral dynamic characteristic research of the frame embedded in layers soil. Journal of Vibration Engineering, 2002, 15(4): 425-429. (in Chinese)
66. Chen Y. M., Chen R. P., Zhu B. An approach to analyzing the transverse vibration of a pile during pile driving. Journal of Vibration Engineering, 2001, 14(2): 215-219. (in Chinese)
In Conferences:
67. Zhu B., Li T., Ren J. Centrifuge model tests on laterally monotonic and cyclic pile-soil interaction of a tetrapod jacket foundation. 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, OSlo, 10-12 June 2015, pp. 673-678.
68. Zhu B., Sun Y. X., Chen R. P. Chen Y. M. Model tests on offshore monopile subjected to lateral monotonic and cyclic loading. 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2014 (ICPMG 2014). Perth, Austria, submitted.
69. Zhu B., Kong D. Q., Chen R. P., Kong L. G., Chen Y. M. Primary research into suction bucket foundation model of offshore wind turbines. The 7th National Youth Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 2011.
70. Zhu B., Kong D. Q., Chen R. P., Kong L. G., Chen Y. M. Large scale model tests of suction caisson of wind turbine subjected to overturning and pullout loading in silt. 2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, Western Australia, 8-10 Nov. 2010. pp. 647-652.
71. Zhu B., Houlsby G., Byrne B. Cyclic Loading of Suction Caissons in Sand. 2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, Western Australia, 8-10 Nov. 2010. pp. 765-770.
72. Gao D., Zhu B., Chen Y. M. Experimental studies of arching effect and geosynthetic deformation in local subsidence problem. Proceedings of Symposium on Geoenvironmental Engineering (ISGE2009), Hangzhou, China.
73. Zhu B., Luo J., Kong L. G., et al. Experimental studies on large lateral displacement of high-elevated piles. Proceedings of the 25th National Symposium on Geotechnical Testing, Hangzhou, 2008, pp 338-342.
74. Zhu B., Ren Y., Chen R. P., et al. Characteristics of cyclic loading on pile-group foundation of offshore wind turbine and model tests of its accumulated settlement. Proceedings of the 25th National Symposium on Geotechnical Testing, Hangzhou, 2008, pp 343-348.
75. Zhu B., Chen Y. M., Seismic responses and stability analysis of expanded MSW landfills. Proceedings of the 7th National Symposium on Soil Dynamics, Peking, 2006, pp 589-596.
76. Gao D., Zhu B., Chen Y. M. Analyses of geomembrane around circular structures. Proceeding of the 4th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics. Shanghai, China. 2008, pp 569-574.
77. Zhu B., Leung A. Y. T. Impact analysis and absorber design for collision protection of part-buried structure. Proceedings of the 2nd international symposium on environmental vibrations-prediction, monitoring, mitigation and evaluation. Okayama, Japan, 2005, pp 279-302.
78. Zhu B., Leung A. Y. T. Two-stage damage detection for a cantilever beam attaching springs, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (CD Rom), Seoul, Korea, 2004.
79. Zhu B., Leung A. Y. T. Vibration analyses of Mindlin plates by quadrilateral p-version elements, Proceedings of WCCM VI (CD Rom), Peking, China, 2004.
80. Leung A. Y. T., Zhu B. Non-linear vibration analyses of beams resting on elastic foundations using Fourier p-element, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Environmental Vibration, Hangzhou, China, 2003, pp 88-95.
81. Leung A. Y. T., Zhu B. Dynamic stiffness for thin-walled beams and frames by power-series, Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference. Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast, Australia, 2003, pp 373-378.
82. Zhu B., Leung A. Y. T. Non-linear vibration analyses of beams resting on elastic foundations using Fourier p-element”, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Environmental Vibration, Hangzhou, China, 2003, pp 88-95.
83. Zhu B., Chen R. P., Chen Y. M., Wang H. Z. Analysis of lateral dynamic response of bridge piles. Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference. Hangzhou, China, 2001.
84. Chen R. P., Zhu B., Chen Y. M. Analysis of crosswise vibration of pile driving. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on the application of stress-wave theory to piles, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL, 1999, pp517.