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Faculty - ZHU Zhiwei

Research Interest

·         Environmental hydraulics
·         Urban hydraulics
·         sand/water, air/water two-phase flows
·         Mixing and transport of stratified flows
·         Water quality modeling of rivers, estuaries, lakes and reservoirs
·         Impact of hydropower operations on eco-systems
·         Fishway designs


Ph. D.        Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada                                 1996
M. Eng.      Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada                                          1991
M. Sc.         Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China          1989
B. Sc.         Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China                        1986

Professional Employment

Professor, Zhejiang University, China                                                                                  2010 -
YC Tang (Visiting) Chair Professor, Zhejiang University, China                                  2009 – 2012
Professor, University of Alberta, Canada                                                                              2004 -  
Associate Chair (Graduate Studies), Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering       2005 - 2007
                        University of Alberta, Canada                                                                             
Associate Professor, University of Alberta, Canada                                                      2001 - 2004
Guest Professor, University of Karlsruhe, Germany                                                     2003 - 2004
Senior Visitor, University of Cambridge, U.K.                                                                       2003
Assistant Professor, University of Alberta, Canada                                                       1997 - 2001
Engineer, British Columbia Hydro Power Authority (BC Hydro), Canada                                 1997
Research Fellow, National Water Research Institute (Canada)                                                  1996

Selected Publication

2.         Camino, G.A., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N (2010) “Hydraulics of stacked drop manholes”, ASCE Journal ofIrrigation and Drainage Engineering, accepted.
3.         Islam, MD and Zhu, D.Z. (2011), “Flow upstream of two-dimensional intakes”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 137(1), 129-134.
4.         Islam, MD and Zhu, D.Z. (2011), “Anti-diffusion in central difference scheme for steady-state transport equation”, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 11(1), 1-5.
5.         Cai, J., Hall, N.A, Elenany, M., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N. (2010), “Sand jets in air”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 136(9),1181-1186.
6.         Hall, N.A, Elenany, M., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N. (2010), “Experimental study of sand and slurry jets in water”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 136(10), 727-738.   
7.         Rajaratnam, N., Zhu, D.Z., Rai, S.P. (2010) “Turbulence measurements in the impinging region of a circular jet”, Can. J. Civil Engineering, 37(5):782-785.
8.         Bhuiyan, F., N. Rajaratnam, D.Z. Zhu (2010), “An experimental study of mounds formed by sand dumping in channel Flow”, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 48(3), 283-291.
9.         Valentine, E., Kronebusch, K., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N., Lodewyk, S., Cairns, J., Chan, S., and Zhou, F., (2010). “Combined sewer overflow over an oblique weir at Rat Creek in Edmonton”, Can. J. Civil Engineering, 37(3): 477-488.
10.     Shammaa, Y. and Zhu, D.Z. (2010). “Experimental study on selective withdrawal in a two-layer reservoir using a temperature-control curtain”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 136(4), 234-246.
11.     Camino, G.A., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N. and Shome, M. (2009) “Use of a stacked drop manhole for energy dissipation: A case study in Edmonton”, Can. J. Civil Engineering, 36(6), 1037-1050.
12.     Shammaa, Y, Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N. (2009), “Flow field in a rectangular basin with a line inlet and a circular outlet”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 135(10), 856-864.
13.     Dow, K., Steffler, P.M. and Zhu, D.Z., (2009). “Intermediate field mixing of wastewater effluent in the North Saskatchewan River”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 135(1), 1-12.
14.     Negretti, M.E., Zhu, D.Z., and Jirka, G.H., (2008). “The effect of bottom roughness in two-layer flows down a slope”, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, Vol. 45/1-2, 46-68.
15.     Lima-Neto, E., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam (2008) “Bubbly jet in stagnant water”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 34, 1130-1141.
16.     Lima-Neto, E., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam (2008) “Horizontal injection of gas-liquid mixtures in a water tank”,Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 134(12), 1722-1731
17.     Fouli, H. and Zhu, D.Z. (2008). “Transition of TWO-LAYER STRATIFIED FLOW FROM THESLOPEOF BOTTOM TOPOGRAPHY TO A HORIZONTAL CHANNEL”, Atmosphere - Ocean, Vol. 46(4), 391-404.
18.     Lima-Neto, E., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam (2008) “Air Injection in Water with Different Nozzles”, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 134(4), 283-294.
19.     Lima-Neto, E., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam (2008) “Effect of tank size and geometry on the flow induced by circular bubble plumes and water jets”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 134(6), 833-842
20.     Zhao, C.H., Zhu, D.Z. and N. Rajaratnam (2008). “Computational and experimental study of surcharged flow at a 90-degree combining sewer junction". ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 134(6), 688-700.
21.     Negretti, M.E., Zhu, D.Z., and Jirka, G.H., (2007) “Barotropically induced interfacial waves in stratified exchange flows down a smooth sill”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 592, 
22.     Lima-Neto, E., Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N., Yu, T., Spafford, M., and McEachern, P. (2007) “Dissolved oxygen downstream of an effluent outfall in an ice-covered river: modeling and remediation”, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 133(11), 1051-1060
23.     Yu, J.D., Liu, H. and Zhu, D.Z. (2007). “Numerical simulation of gravity flows for two-layer stratified fluid”. Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics, 2007(4), 539-548.
24.     Zhao, C.H., Zhu, D.Z. and N. Rajaratnam (2006). "Experimental study of surcharged flow at combining sewer junctions." ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 132(12), 1259-1271. 
25.     Mustaffa, Z., N. Rajaratnam and D.Z. Zhu. (2006) “An experimental study of flow into orifices and grating inlets on streets”. Can. J. Civil Engineering, Vol. 33(7), 837-845.
26.     Liu, M., Rajaratnam, N, and Zhu, D.Z. (2006) “Mean flow and turbulence structure in vertical slot fishways”.Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 132(8), 765-777.
27.     Zhao, C., Zhu, D.Z., Sun, S. and Liu, Z., (2006) “An experimental study of a vortex dropshaft”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132(1), 61-68. 
28.     Shammaa, Y, Zhu, D.Z., Rajaratnam, N. (2005) “Flow upstream of orifices and sluice gates”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131(2), 127-133.
29.     Zhao, C., Zhu, D.Z, and Rajaratnam, N. (2004). “Supercritical sewer flow at a combining junction: a model study of Edworthy Trunk Junction, Calgary, Alberta”, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, Vol. 3(5), 343-353. 
30.     Zhu, D.Z., and Smith, D.W. (2004) “Introduction to Environmental Hydraulics”. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 3(5), 1-2.
31.     M. Liu, Rajaratnam, N., Zhu, D.Z. (2004) “Turbulence structure of hydraulic jumps of low Froude numbers”.Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 130(6), 511-520.
·          Morin, V.M., Zhu, D.Z. and Loewen, M.R. (2004). “Supercritical exchange flow down a sill”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 130(6), 521-531.
32.     Zhu, D.Z. (2003) “Hydraulic controls of exchange flows”, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 41(5), 503-511.
33.     Zhu, D.Z., Fouli, H. and Okyere, Y.A. (2002). "Exchange flow through an opening", Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 40(3), 341-350.
34.     Zhu, D.Z. (2002) “Control curves for two-layer flows”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128(1), 113-116. 
35.     Shammaa, Y., Zhu, D.Z., Gyurek, L.L. and Labatiuk, C.W. (2002). “Effectiveness of dry ponds for TSS removal”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 29(2), 316-324.
36.     Shammaa, Y. and Zhu, D.Z. (2001) “Techniques for controlling total suspended solids in stormwater runoff”,Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol. 26(3), 1-17.
37.     Zhu, D.Z. and Lawrence, G.A. (2001). "Holmboe’s instability in exchange flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics,U.K.Vol. 429, 391-409 
38.     Froese, T., Zhu, D. and Bhat, S. (2001). "WWW courseware in applied science: cases and lessons".Computer Applications in Engineering Education, John Wiley & Sons, Vol. 9(2), 63-77.
39.     Liu, M. and Zhu, D.Z. (2000). "Study of tunnel outlet head-loss coefficient", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol27(6), 1306-1310.
40.     Zhu, D.Z. and Lawrence, G.A. (2000). "Hydraulics of exchange flows", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,ASCEVol. 126 (12), 921-928.
41.     Hamblin, P.F., Zhu, D.Z., Chiocchio, F., He, C. and Charlton, M.N. (2000). "Monitoring suspended sediment plumes by optical and acoustical methods with application to sand capping", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol27(1), 125-137.
42.     Zhu, D.Z. and Lawrence, G.A. (1998). "Non-hydrostatic effects in layered shallow water flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, U.KVol. 355, 1-16.
43.     Lawrence, G.A., Haigh, S.P. and Zhu, D.Z. (1998). "In search of Holmboe's instability", Coastal and Estuarine Studies, AGU, Vol. 54, 281-289.

44.     Zhu, Z. and Lawrence, G.A. (1996). "Exchange flow through a channel with an underwater sill", Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, Elsevier Science. Vol. 24, 153-161.


Thomas C. Keefer Medal of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering for the best paper
in areas such as hydrotechnical, environmental and geotechnical engineering                             2010
Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA) 2009 SHOWCASE AWARDS 
(for Windermere North Storm Outfall with Stantec Consulting)                                                 2009
Zhejiang University YC Tang (Visiting) Chair Professorship                                      2009 - 2012
American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 
BEST TECHNICAL NOTE AWARD                                                                                  2003
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship                                        2003-2004