关于台湾国立大学Fi-John Chang教授学术报告的通知


报告题目:Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Hydrosystems
报告人:Fi-John Chang Distinguished Professor National Taiwan University
报告人简介Fi-John Chang教授1988年获得美国Purdue大学的土木工程博士学位,现任台湾国立大学的杰出教授,为台湾水信息协会的创始会长,水文学top期刊Journal of Hydrology的副编辑,以及浙江大学的客座教授等。教授致力于水文水环境、防灾以及人工智能等学科的研究,迄今为止,已发表140篇学术论文,其中有60余篇隶属SCI,在水资源领域10%的顶级期刊中发表并具有较高的影响因子。
报告简介Artificial intelligence (AI) is a state-of-the-art technology that resembles the human thinking process in decision making and strategy learning. It has been well recognized for its outstanding ability to handle complex systems. In the last decade, AI techniques, such as artificial neural networks (ANN), genetic algorithms (GA) and fuzzy theory have also been increasingly applied to tackle some of the issues related to hydrological and water resources systems. ANNs are known as flexible modeling tools with capabilities of learning the mathematical mapping between input and output variables of nonlinear systems. Fuzzy logic has good ability for describing human thinking and reasoning in a mathematical framework. The GA is based on Darwinian natural selection with the mechanisms of population genetics. Three topics which show implementing the AI into Hydrosystems will be presented in this seminar.
(1)   Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System(ANFIS) for multi-step ahead flood forecasting;
(2)   Self-Organizing neural network (SOM) for Evaporation Estimation
(3)   Intelligent Control of Reservoir Operation
