
安中讲坛第十九期:关于加拿大Naftuly Ruebin Morgenstern博士浙江大学名誉教授聘任仪式暨学术报告会的通知


1. Naftuly Ruebin Morgenstern博士浙江大学名誉教授聘任仪式
2. 第十九期安中讲坛
报告题目:The Stability of Earth Structures: Risk and Reliability
报告人:Naftuly Ruebin Morgenstern
The presentation will review my analysis that drew attention to the limitations of prediction in geotecnical practice. From this one concludes that it is essential to understand the sources of uncertainty in geotechnical practice and to put in place procedures and practices to manage this uncertainty in order to ensure acceptable performance in practice.
One way forward to address intrinsic uncertainty is to adopt probabilistic methods of analysis and design. This is explored in considerable detail through a series of case histories. While the adoption of probabilistic analyses is insightful when there is abundant data to process, their contribution to ensuring enhanced reliability is limited when compared with more traditional procedures.
One might think that with the many advances in geotechnical practice, from theory to improved material characterization, and considerable advances in instrumentation, that I would conclude this presentation in an optimistic manner. The contrary is the case. Recent experience with some catastrophic failures leads me to the view that we underestimate the complexity of many of our endeavors and do not expand a holistic approach to design that would pay more attention to the "safety case".
摩根斯坦(N. R. Morgenstern)教授1935年5月出生于加拿大多伦多,1956年毕业于多伦多大学,1957年他获得安瑟隆奖学金赴英国伦敦帝国理工学院和伦敦大学继续深造,正是在那里开始,摩根斯坦教授做出了岩土工程领域内的一系列重大的贡献。
摩根斯坦自上世纪六十年代初在英国帝国理工学院和伦敦大学从事岩石力学领域的研究工作,早期的研究工作集中在土的微结构和边坡稳定分析领域,1965年与毕肖普(A. W. Bishop)教授提出边坡中的孔隙水压力系数近似确定方法,1965年发表了边坡稳定分析领域著名的Morgenstern-Price法,这一方法已被引入绝大部分土力学的教科书中,并成为各国岩土工程界通用的稳定分析方法,我国碾压式土石坝设计规范也明确规定采用此法进行坝坡的稳定分析。
1968年,摩根斯坦返回加拿大,任阿尔伯塔大学土木系教授,结合加拿大北部的资源开发工作,他开辟了土力学的几个新的领域。首先,建立了一个永久冻土实验室,系统地开展了永久冻土力学行为的研究,提出了分离势的概念,建立了土在冻融循环下的本构关系模型,提出永久冻土地区的公路、输油管工程的岩土力学问题的设计方法,成为永久冻土力学的创始人之一。其次,率先对油砂这一特殊的土进行基本理论研究,提出的油砂内锁结构理论为油砂土力学这一特殊领域奠定了基础。另外,还与其学生弗雷特仑(D.G. Fredlund)一起共同创立了非饱和土的三相强度理论。
