
安中讲坛第九十一期:美国工程院院士Armen Der Kiureghi学术报告


报告题目Time-Variant Structural Reliability Analysis by FORM



报告人:Armen Der Kiureghian 教授,美国工程院院士

报告摘要:The structural reliability problem is time-variant when the characteristics of the structure or the applied loads vary in time. Structural characteristics may vary in time due to wear and tear, deterioration, or damage caused by applied loads. Applied loads on a structure are often stochastic in nature and produce stochastic dynamic response. Examples of such loads include excitations caused by earthquakes, and ocean waves. Since structural failures usually occur under extreme response thresholds, consideration of nonlinear response is essential for safety analysis.This talk will present a method for time-variant reliability analysis of structures using the First-Order Reliability Method (FORM). The Tail-Equivalent Linearization Method (TELM) will be presented as an alternative method of linearization to approximately determine the probability of failure of nonlinear systems. Comparisons will be made with the classical Equivalent Linearization Method (ELM).




     Armen Der Kiureghian为美国加州大学伯克利分校终身教授,美国工程院院士,亚美尼亚美国大学前校长(2014-20192022-2023)。主要研究方向包括结构和系统可靠度、随机结构动力学、地震工程等,其发展的一阶和二阶可靠度方法是可靠度估计领域最重要的方法,其提出的CQC响应谱组合方法广泛应用于结构地震设计。Der Kiureghian教授因其杰出研究成果获得ASCE M. Freudenthal MedalGeorge Winter Medal等重要学术荣誉,因其对亚美尼亚高等教育的贡献获得亚教育和科学部颁发的金质奖章和亚总统授予的亚美尼亚国籍。

