



新加坡南洋理工大学机械与航空学院Yu Ching ManLi Hua教授将于1212日来我校进行研究生招生介绍并进行面试。欢迎有兴趣的应届毕业生参加(请携带个人简历,无TOEFLGRE成绩者的同学也鼓励参加,在面试时将有一个英语小测试)。时间地点如下:

    面试时间:    1212日下午1

地点:        曹光彪主楼224(面试)。




Research Opportunities at the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering,

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


by Dr. Simon C. M. Yu and Dr. Li Hua


In this seminar, we will talk about:


What is School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (MAE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore?

What are our research focuses and achievements?

What MAE can offer you and help you to become successful in your future career?

Why should you choose MAE for your postgraduate studies?

When is the best time for submission of your applications?


The seminar will be followed by “Question & Answer” session.


Interviews will be conducted for potential candidates immediately after the Q & A session.


Please bring along your resumes when you attend this seminar.

