




1. 住宅建筑能效

2. 区域建筑能源规划技术

3. 可再生能源技术在建筑中的应用

4. 建筑内用能行为


A. 学习经历:

1999-2003 湖南大学建筑环境与设备工程学士

2003-2009 湖南大学供热供燃气通风及空调工程博士

2007-2008 日本东北大学建筑学专攻联合培养博士

B. 工作经历:

2009-2011 美国能源部劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室博士后

2011-2014 同济大学绿色建筑及新能源研究中心讲师主任助理

2014.8-    浙江大学建筑工程学院建筑学系

2014.12-   浙江大学建筑工程学院建筑学系副教授

2015.2-    浙江大学“求是青年学者”

C. 社会兼职:



Energy and BuildingsBuilding and EnvironmentApplied Energy等多家国家国际期刊审稿人



1. 课题负责人,浙江省自然科学基金青年基金,住区空调用能行为特征及模拟方法研究. 2015.1-2017.12

2. 课题负责人,中央高校基本科研经费,集成可再生能源的区域微能网优化设计方法研究. 2015.1-2016.12

3. 课题负责人,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金. 基于主体的住宅建筑内人员随机行为建模研究. 2014.1-2015.12

4. 课题负责人,住建部科学技术计划项目,高等院校校园建筑能源管理体系研究. 2013.1-2014.12

5. 子课题负责人,科技部国际科技合作计划:新能源及可再生能源建筑应用技术的适应性研究和示范2010DFA72740-05. 2010.10-2012.12

6. 子课题负责人,国际能源署(international energy agency)项目Annex 53: Total Building Use and Total Energy Use in Buildings - Analysis and Evaluation Methods. 2008-2013

7. 课题负责人,教育部中央高等院校基本科研经费,同济大学优秀青年教师培养计划:夏热冬冷地区土壤源热泵系统适应性研究. 2011.11-2013.10

8. 课题负责人,环保部宣传教育中心项目:中国高校绿色教育战略分析. 2013.7-3015.7

9. 课题负责人,十二五校际委托项目:上海市办公/商场建筑室内环境测试研究. 2013.9 -2015.5

10. 第二完成人,国家自然科学基金. 新型竹材结构建筑热湿耦合迁移模型及实验研究. 2009.1 -2011.12

11. 第二完成人,美国能源基金会(Energy foundation)项目:中国北方城市既有建筑节能改造效果评价及潜力分析. 2009.6 -2011.6

12. 第二完成人,环保部宣传教育中心项目:中国绿色大学建设调研. 2012.11 -2013.6

13. 第三完成人. 湖南省建筑能源结构和能耗统计方法研究. 湖南省建设厅科技项目. No.2006-468-16.

14. 参与中国行业标准《民用建筑能耗数据采集标准JBJ/T154-2007》的编制.

15. 参编. 中国工程标准化协会标准. 沼气工程地源热泵加热技术规程CECS 3392013 .

16. 参编. 中国工程标准化协会标准. 地道风供冷节能技术规程CECS 3402013.

17. 参编. 上海市教委《上海高等学校校园节能监管系统建设与管理技术导则》. 2013.

18. 项目骨干,Investigation of indoor thermal environment & air quality of urban residential buildings in China.日本文部省重大科研项目No.13574007. 2003-2005.

19. 项目骨干,Questionnaire, monthly meter readings and long-time field measurement for residential energy use in China. 日本JSPS科研基金. 2006-2008.



A. 国际期刊

1. Shuqin Chen, Hiroshi Yoshino, Nianping Li.Statistical Analyses on Summer Energy Consumption Characteristics of Residential Buildings in Some Cities of China. Energy and Buildings. 42 (2010) 136146 (SCI/EI检索)

2. Shuqin Chen, Hiroshi Yoshino, Mark D. Levine, Zhenhai Li. Contrastive analyses on annual energy consumption characteristics and the inuence mechanism between new and old residential buildings in Shanghai, China, by the statistical methods. Energy and Buildings 41 (2009) 1347135(SCI/EI检索)

3. Shuqin Chen, Nianping li, Jun Guan et.al. Contrastive study between the biomass energy utilization structure and the ecotype energy utilization structure in rural residences - a case in Hunan province, China. Renewable Energy. 34 (2009) 17821788(SCI/EI检索)

4. Shuqin Chen, Nianping LiJun Guan, et al. A statistical method to investigate national energy consumption in the residential building sector in China.Energy and Buildings, 2008, 40(4): 654-665 (SCI/EI检索)

5. Shuqin Chen, Nianping Li, Jun Guan. Research on statistical methodology to investigate energy consumption in public buildings sector in China, Energy Conversion and Management, 2008,49(5): 2152-2159(SCI/EI检索)

6. Nianping Li, Shuqin Chen, Hiroshi Yoshino, et.al. Research on energy utilization structure of rural residence in Hunan provinceChina. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. 2006,Vol.5, No.2, pp.413-419(SCI源刊)

7. Shuqin Chen, Nianping Li, Hiroshi Yoshino, Jun Guan. Statistical Analyses on Winter Energy Consumption Characteristics of Residential Buildings in Some Cities of China. Energy and buildings. 43 (2011) 10631070(SCI/EI检索)

8. Shuqin Chen, Mark D. Levine, Haiying Li, P. Yowargana, LinnaXie. Measured air tightness performance of residential buildings in North China and its influence on district space heating energy use. Energy and Buildings 51 (2012) 157164(SCI/EI检索)

9. Shuqin Chen, Jun Guan, Mark D. Levine, LinnaXie. P. Yowargana. Elaboration of energy-saving renovation measures for urban existing residential buildings in North China based on simulation and site investigations. Building Simulation: An International Journal. (2013) 6: 113125 (SCI/EI检索)

10. Hongwei Tan, Shuqin Chen, Qian Shi, Lingling Wang, Development of Green campus in China. Journal of Cleaner production. 64 (2014) 646-653 (SCI源刊)

11. Shuqin Chen, Nianping Li, Yoshino Hiroshi, et. al. Investigation and analysis on whole-year energy consumption of urban residential buildings in Shaoyang City, China . Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series). 2007, Vol.14, No. suppl. pp. 85-88EI检索)

12. Shuqin Chen, Nianping Li, Hiroshi Yoshino. Research on the statistical method of residential energy consumption in China. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series). 2007, Vol. 14, No. suppl. pp93-97EI检索)

13. Jun Guan, Natasa Nord, Shuqin Chen*. A CaseStudy of Campus Building End Use of a University in Norway. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 1073-1076,2015:1259-1262

14. Shuqin Chen, Nianping Li, Jun Guan and Hiroshi Yoshino. A study on thermal environment and energy consumption of urban residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter climate of China. Environmental Informatics Archives, 2005, Vol.3, pp.379-386

15. Hiroshi Yoshino, Shuqin Chen. CONFERENCE REPORT---The 29th AIVC Conference in 2008 (Invited report). REHVA Journal. 2009,1


B. 国际会议

16. Shuqin Chen, Mark D. Levine, Haiying Li, Ping Yowargana. Characterization of district heating energy use of a typical residential building in north China. In the Proceedings of ISHVAC 2011, pp713-719EI检索)

17.Chen Shuqin, Tan Hongwei, Zhu Shengwei, Zhang Ning, Li Yutong, He Qibin. Evaluation methodology of green campus construction in Chinese Universities. In the proceeding of APEC Conference on Low-carbon Towns and Physical Energy Storage, 2013, 96-101

18. Chen Shuqin, Li Nian-ping. Research on the statistical method of energy consumption for public buildings in China. In proceeding of 6th International Conference on Enhanced Building Operations. Shenzhen, China. 2006, Vol.VII-2-1

19. Nianping Li, Shuqin Chen, Hui Zhou, et. al. Energy Consumption and Energy Saving Potential Analysis for Residential Buildings in Changsha, China. In: proceeding of the first international conference on building energy and environment. Dalian, China. 2008, pp. 2428-2434

20. Shuqin Chen, Hiroshi Yoshino, and Zhenhai Li. Contrastive analyses on annual energy consumption between new residential buildings and old residential buildings in Shanghai, China. In: proceeding of the 29th international conference on advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues. Kyoto, Japan. 2008. October.

21. Enxiang Zhang, Shuqin Chen, Nianping Li, et.al. Analysis on energy consumption characteristics for public buildings in Changsha city, China. In: proceeding of the 5th international symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air conditioning. Beijing, China, 2007, pp 73-79

22. Chen Shuqin, Yoshino hiroshi.CO2 Mitigation strategies for the building sector in two typical asian developing countries with large emission.日本建築学会東北支部研究報告集計画系,第71号,2008, 6: 113-116

23. Chen Shuqin, Hiroshi Yoshino and Zhenhai Li. Investigation on Annual Energy Consumption of Urban Residential Buildings in Shanghai city, China. In: Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting of architecture institute of Japan. Hiroshima, Japan, 2008, D-1 pp. 725-726


C. 国内期刊

24. 陈淑琴,李念平,付祥钊等. 住宅建筑能耗统计方法的研究. 暖通空调. 2007, 37(3), 44-48

25. 陈淑琴,李念平. 公共建筑能耗统计方法的研究. 煤气与热力. 2006,26(11): 71-75

26. 陈淑琴,李念平,乐地等. 中国湖南农村住宅能源使用结构的分析与研究. 节能技术. 2005, 23(134): 483-487

27. 陈淑琴,李念平,关军. 长沙市住宅建筑冬季能源使用结构的调查与分析研究.暖通空调.2005, 1. 2005, 35(1): 134-138

28. 陈淑琴,周斌,Mark D. Levine,李海英,杨斌. 北方既有住宅建筑节能改造效果实测评价.煤气与热力. 2012, 32(10): a09- a13

29. 陈淑琴,王之晗,廖航,汪彦辰. 初探国内外高校建筑使用者用能行为及成因.建筑节能. 2014, 11: 64-71

30. 朱晟炜,谭洪卫,陈淑琴,庄智. 我国高校绿色校园文化建设现状调查及分析. 建筑节能, 2014, 4: 95-99

31. 周斌,谭洪卫, 王亮,陈淑琴,庄智. 上海地区空气源热泵散热器供暖系统应用研究.暖通空调.2013,43(9):83-86

32. 谢艳群,李念平,陈淑琴. 长沙市冬季居住建筑能耗的实测分析. 煤气与热力, 2007, 27 (10), 83-85

33. 谢艳群,李念平,陈淑琴. 长沙市居住建筑能耗调查及偏相关分析. 煤气与热力. 2007, 27(5), 85-88

34. 张恩祥; 李春旺; 陈淑琴; 李念平. 办公建筑空调系统能耗评价及节能潜力分析.节能技术. 2008, 26 (4): 295-320

35. 李念平,关军,潘尤贵,陈淑琴长沙市住宅建筑夏季能源使用结构的调查与分析研究.暖通空调. 2004, 34(5): P14-17

36. 李念平; 关军; 李新华; 陈淑琴. 建筑通风空调管道中悬浮微生物的实测与分析. 湖南大学学报. 2006,33(4): 26-30 EI源刊,CSCD期刊)


D. 国内会议及国内其他期刊

37. 陈淑琴,李念平,关军等.长沙市住宅建筑夏季能耗调查的统计与分析. 2004年全国暖通空调年会技术集. 兰州. 2004

38. 陈淑琴,谭洪卫,张宁. 高等院校绿色校园评价指标体系及案例研究. 第二届夏热冬冷地区绿色建筑联盟大会会议论文集.上海. 2012

39. 栾彩霞,祝真旭,陈淑琴,谭洪卫.中国高等院校绿色校园建设现状及问题探讨.第十届绿色建筑与建筑节能大会论文集. 北京. 2014

40. 孙凤梅,李念平,陈淑琴. 基于DESTH软件的城市住宅模拟能耗与实测能耗的对比分析. 制冷空调与电力机械. 2007, 28:43-46


E. 学术著作:

1. Chen Shuqin, Mark D Levine, Hiroshi Yoshino, etc. Total energy use in buildings:Analysis and evaluation methods. Vol(I):definitions and reporting.Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation,2013

2. Ariane Kong, Tom Becker, Ann Campbell, Shuqin Chen, et al. Regenerative sustainable development of Universities and cities: the role of living laboratories, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013

3. 李念平,杨昌智,付俊萍,陈淑琴,刘冬华,张红英,江燕涛. 建筑环境学(全国暖通专业规划教材). 化学工业出版社,2010


F. 荣誉奖励:

1. 可持续中国能源项目杰出工作奖. 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,美国能源基金会. 2011

2. 作为全国唯一的优秀博士毕业生代表,应邀在全国暖通专业博士生导师研讨会上做特邀报告,并由全国高等学校建环学科专业指导会颁发荣誉证书。2011.

3. 团队成员. Excellence in campus award presented to Tongji University. International sustainable campus network. 2012

4. 湖南大学优秀博士毕业论文。湖南大学,2010



A. 课程开设:

1.   主讲教师,研究生课程《绿色建筑导引》

2.   主讲教师,研究生课程《建筑及区域能源管理》

3.   主讲教师,本科生课程《绿色建筑》(全英文教学,期间聘请海外知名教授参与授课)


B. 学生竞赛指导:

1. 指导教师,全国大学生创新创业训练计划2013.4-2015

2. 指导教师,2013年同济大学大学生创新实践计划2013.5-2014.4


